Dating vs. Relationship [ep.1]
When you look at the term dating and relationship, the first thing that comes into your mind is that there’re actually the same. They are quite different though. Let me explain.
Dating entails lots of doubts, you probably still watching your partner, learning more about him, you might even still be looking for a better person during the period of dating.
While relationship involves people connected by mutual commitment to each. This can actually lead to something good in future unlike dating.
Let’s just say dating is a process that leads to a relationship, and a relationship can lead to something good in future most definitely marriage.
When you’re dating, you probably go on dates and all, do lots fun things together. You really don’t talk about each other’s plans. In a relationship, communication is key. You definitely talk about everything both serious and unserious conversations. You are not afraid to show your beautiful and ugly side, you have mutual trust in your partner; you rely on each other without a doubt. 
When we look at dating or being in a relationship today, many things have gone sideways, times have changed and we don’t really care much about some stuff anymore. Let me give some examples.

How do you define cheating?
Engaging sexually with someone who isn't your partner is almost always considered cheating. And as far as the topic of cheating goes, the general consensus is that it's wrong. No ifs, ands or buts.
Nowadays, partners cheat on each other for so many reasons without a perfect excuse to comprehend it because cheating shouldn’t be an option.
The funniest thing is that we don’t really consider some bad things we do again as cheating even though we have a good partner; we just see it as having fun or just living the life because everyone does it. It’s a popular saying that most guys cheats but I think girls do too.
If you've ever been cheated on, you know that it feels pretty awful. It's a blow to your ego and your self-esteem. It makes you question your judgement in terms of choosing a partner. You start to blame yourself, wondering if you could have done anything to keep them more interested so that they didn't feel like they had to look elsewhere.
Your trust is shot, and if you do decide to start over with someone new, the process for building it back up again becomes harder than ever.  I think partners cheats because of the compulsion to feel good at any given moment regardless of who his/her dating or relationship status.
I guess we all cheats, only few don’t. Only God knows though.
The next blog post will feature more on dating and relationship and how people use Zodiac Pairings in the process of dating or having a relationship. 
Remember to comment on what your view about this post.

Shout out to Legendary Smile he has patiently worked on this project with me more episodes to come keep your fingers crossed i am really excited on this one 😙😙


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